Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What I've been reading

I re-read The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher recently. I don't know how many times I've read that book since a friend loaned a copy to me back in, what 1987/88? I stayed up all night to read it. And it has been sooo good each time. But, now, it had been several years since I re-read it.
So, a quote or two.
"There are snowdrops coming out in the garden, and spring is on the way. I shall see it. Watch the yearly miracle, and feel the sun grow warmer as the weeks slip by. And because I am alive, I shall watch it all happen and be part of that miracle."
"Living now, had become not simple existence that one took for granted, but a bonus, a gift, with every day that lay ahead an experience to be savored. Time did not last forever. I shall not waste a single moment, she promised herself. She had never felt so strong, so optimistic. As though she was young once more, starting out, and something marvellous was just about to happen."

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