Saturday, May 1, 2010

My mother

A long-distance friend who is near and dear to my heart asked recently about my mother. She knew the one-year anniversary of her death was approaching. Because this friend and I have not seen each other very many times--and only twice in my home state, she never got to meet my Mama. I wish they could have met. So here is a picture of my Mama. This is one of the last taken. I sometimes look at it and wonder if I should have been able to see earlier indicators of the disease that took her. She was almost 83 years old but she was full of life and active.

This photo was taken at Mama's 80th birthday party. Those folks are her siblings. She and her sister to the right are both gone on now. And her oldest brother died several years ago. Fun looking group, aren't they?

My life will never be the same without her in it. I saw her at least once a week for the past 25 years--except for a few times we were sick and missed a week here or there. This spring our roses have been exceptionally beautiful--and it is bittersweet. Every spring we carried armfuls of roses to her to share. She's not there to share with now. She is beholding more beauty than I can imagine. But that does not stop us missing her.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures! How wonderful. You have your mother's smile - a beautiful one. Yes. They do look like a fun bunch. Ok - here's a question: What made them that way? Why did they smile, laugh, love? What was your favorite thing about your mama in her role as mother? Oops. I guess that was three =)
